=Past Updates=
Oct 13 -
The Movie Summaries link is up and running, but not
all of the movie summaries (espec. for DBZ) are up!
Oct 12 -
Our server address has changed!
The new address is now:
Oct 1 -
Yare yare. Tripod is STILL down. Finished linking
the main parts of the site and have begun assembling the FTP server
to host our MP3 colletion.
Sept 30 -
Re-linked and re-wrote some of the Z Series Info sites. All are
finished up to the beginning of the Jinzou-Ningen Saga
Sept. 29 -
Pages start to come on-line, much to Tripod's dismay as
they can't seem to keep their server running.
Sept. 28 -
X\S Anime Dragon Ball is open to the public.
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